Integrated Catchment Management


Publication Title Author(s) Reference Research Area File Size

July 2013 - June 2014

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July 2012 - June 2013

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Sharing stakeholder knowledge in water resource management across boundaries and interfaces: experiences from Australian and New Zealand UNESCO HELP basins Camkin, J Transboundary Water Management international conference (TWAM) March 2013  Stakeholder issues; ICM general; Social learning; UNESCO HELP Catchment & International links; Capacity building   456KB pdf
A Summary of Outcomes and selected formal publications from the Integrated Catchment Management (ICM)research programme:2000 – 2011
Fenemor A, and ICM research team   Sediment generation, delivery and impacts; Identifying Maori needs; Riparian vegetation assessment; Mechanisms of groundwater recharge; Stream health – productivity; Upper Motueka water resources; Riparian vegetation enhancement; Riparian classification; Stabilising characteristics of native plants; River monitoring; Stream health – invertebrates; Cow crossings and water quality; Stream health – fish; Tasman Bay productivity; Ecosystem models of Tasman & Golden Bays; River plume ecosystem; Community reference group; Arts & science collaboration; Science uptake by councils; Maori and ICM; Tangata Whenua; Historical development; Knowledge interactions; Valuing water; Stakeholder issues; Sustaining ecosystem services; Institutional Learning – Research and Practice; Knowledge delivery; Fine sediment: bringing the geomorphology and biology together; Sediment learning group; Delta habitat mapping; Gravel extraction; Trout tracking; Thalweg Mapping: A measure of habitat quality; Tall vegetation effects on water yield; Long term in–situ data collection in Tasman Bay; Forest harvesting effects; ICM general; Other; Dating groundwater; Farm environmental planning; Flood gate design and management; Futures modelling; Social learning; IDEAS; Community Resilience – Watershed Talk; River bank styles; Sherry River Community; UNESCO HELP Catchment & International links; Modelling water quantity and quality; Water augmentation; Annual General Meetings; Links between scientific and cultural indicators of river health; Capacity building; Faecal bacteria in the Motueka River   1.08MB pdf

July 2011 - June 2012

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Integrated Catchment Management – Special Issue of the NZ Journal of Marine & Freshwater Research Contains 16 papers from the ICM research programme. Please contact authors for a PDF copy of any paper as this journal is copyright. September 2011  Sediment generation, delivery and impacts; Identifying Maori needs; Stream health – productivity; Riparian vegetation enhancement; River monitoring; Stream health – invertebrates; Stream health – fish; Tasman Bay productivity; Ecosystem models of Tasman & Golden Bays; River plume ecosystem; Community reference group; Arts & science collaboration; Maori and ICM; Tangata Whenua; Knowledge interactions; Valuing water; Stakeholder issues; Institutional Learning – Research and Practice; Knowledge delivery; Fine sediment: bringing the geomorphology and biology together; Sediment learning group; Trout tracking; Long term in–situ data collection in Tasman Bay; Forest harvesting effects; ICM general; Flood gate design and management; Social learning; Community Resilience – Watershed Talk; Sherry River Community; Annual General Meetings; Links between scientific and cultural indicators of river health; Capacity building; Faecal bacteria in the Motueka River    
Facilitating voluntary action to reduce rural land use impacts in the Motueka River catchment Fenemor A, Young R, Phillips C, Davies–Colley R, Stuart B, Allen W, James T, Burton A, Sherry River Catchment Group International Water Association 15th international conference on Diffuse Pollution, Rotorua, 18–23 September 2011  Cow crossings and water quality; Stakeholder issues; Farm environmental planning; Social learning; Sherry River Community; Capacity building; Faecal bacteria in the Motueka River   3.59MB pdf
The Sherry River – a Success Story Nagels J, James T, Davies–Colley R, Merrilees R, Fenemor A, Burton A, Stuart B, Parshotham A, Young R International Water Association 15th international conference on Diffuse Pollution, Rotorua, 18–23 September 2011  Stream health – productivity; River monitoring; Stream health – invertebrates; Cow crossings and water quality; Stream health – fish; Farm environmental planning; Social learning; Sherry River Community; Capacity building; Faecal bacteria in the Motueka River   2.97MB

July 2010 - June 2011

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COPY OF: Feeney C, Allen W, Lees A, Drury M 2010. Integrated Catchment Management − a review of literature and practice. A report by Environmental Communications Ltd for the Ministry for the Environment. 299 p.     2.78MB pdf
COPY OF: Dodd M, Wilcock B, Parminter T 2009. Review of recent rural catchment–based research in New Zealand. Report for MAF Policy.     1.30MB pdf
Building collaboration and learning in integrated catchment management: the importance of social process and multiple engagement approaches Allen W, Fenemor A, Kilvington M, Harmsworth G, Young R, Deans N, Horn C, Phillips C, Montes de Oca O, Ataria J, Smith R   ICM general    
Three–Dimensional Finite–Element Transient Groundwater–River Interaction Model in a Narrow Valley Aquifer System of the Upper Motueka Catchment. Hong T, Minni G, Ekanayake J, Davie T, Thomas J, Daughney C, Gusyev M, Fenemor A, Basher L   Mechanisms of groundwater recharge; Upper Motueka water resources   6.06MB pdf
Building Capacity for Social Learning in Environmental Management Kilvington, M   Community reference group; Arts & science collaboration; Science uptake by councils; Knowledge interactions; Stakeholder issues; Institutional Learning – Research and Practice; Knowledge delivery; Social learning; Community Resilience – Watershed Talk; Capacity building   131KB pdf
Runoff generating processes in adjacent tussock grassland and pine
plantation catchments as indicated by mean transit time estimation
using tritium
Stewart, M; Fahey, B Hydrol. Earth Syst. Sci., 14, 1021–1032, 2010  Mechanisms of groundwater recharge; Tall vegetation effects on water yield; Dating groundwater   2.16MB pdf
The Sherry River Story – Improving Water Quality through Whole Catchment Planning. Stuart, B (ed) NZ Landcare Trust 2010. The Sherry River Story – Improving Water Quality through Whole Catchment Planning. Produced for the Sherry River Catchment Group. 40pp.  Riparian vegetation assessment; Riparian vegetation enhancement; Riparian classification; Cow crossings and water quality; Knowledge interactions; Stakeholder issues; Knowledge delivery; Forest harvesting effects; ICM general; Farm environmental planning; Social learning; River bank styles; Sherry River Community; Modelling water quantity and quality; Capacity building   3.71MB pdf

July 2009 - June 2010

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Systems thinking – identifying leverage points for action in complex catchment situations Allen W Connecting Research and Practice Workshop 26–28th April 2010   ICM general   1.08MB pdf
Watershed Talk – the cultivation of ideas and action Atkinson M, Kilvington M, Fenemor A Atkinson, M; Kilvington, M; Fenemor, A. 2009. Watershed Talk – the cultivation of ideas and action. Manaaki Whenua Press. 45pp.  Community reference group; Arts & science collaboration; Science uptake by councils; Maori and ICM; Knowledge interactions; Stakeholder issues; Institutional Learning – Research and Practice; Knowledge delivery; Social learning; Community Resilience – Watershed Talk; Links between scientific and cultural indicators of river health; Capacity building   469KB pdf
Spatial Delienation of the Motueka River Plume Influence in Tasman Bay based on Seabed Characteristics Clenet D, Gillespie P, Forrest R Cawthron Report 1697  Tasman Bay productivity; Ecosystem models of Tasman & Golden Bays; River plume ecosystem; Long term in–situ data collection in Tasman Bay   2.33MB pdf
ICM Motueka Research Programme Summary for TDC Fenemor A (ed) Summary tabled as part of presentation and discussion to TDC councillors and staff, July 2009 and updated slightly since then  ICM general   1.54MB pdf
Improving Water Governance –
Stakeholder Views Of Five South Island Catchment Management Processes
Fenemor A, Neilan D Abstract of a presentation to 2009 Hydrological Society conference of water governance research completed by Diarmuid Neilan under direction of Andrew Fenemor    18KB pdf
Sherry River native plant establishment: ´Best bet´ guidelines Ledgard N, Henley D Unpublished report on ICM web site  Riparian vegetation enhancement; Stabilising characteristics of native plants; Sherry River Community   998KB pdf
Angler knowledge of environmental processes and its potential integration into the management of New Zealand´s Motueka River catchment Loftus AC Loftus, A. 2009. Angler knowledge of environmental processes and its potential integration into the management of New Zealand’s Motueka River catchment. Master of Science thesis, Central European University, Budapest.  Stream health – fish; Knowledge interactions; Fine sediment: bringing the geomorphology and biology together; Links between scientific and cultural indicators of river health   3.34MB pdf
Significance of river–aquifer interactions for reach–scale thermal patterns and trout growth potential in the Motueka River, New Zealand. Olsen DA, Young RG Olsen, D.A.; Young, R.G. 2009: Significance of river–aquifer interactions for reach–scale thermal patterns and trout growth potential in the Motueka River, New Zealand. Hydrogeology Journal 17: 175–183.  Mechanisms of groundwater recharge; River monitoring; Stream health – invertebrates; Stream health – fish; Dating groundwater   21KB doc
Contrasting responses to catchment modification among a range of functional and structural indicators of river ecosystem health. Young RG, Collier KJ Young, R.G.; Collier, K.J. 2009: Contrasting responses to catchment modification among a range of functional and structural indicators of river ecosystem health. Freshwater Biology 54: 2155–2170.   Stream health – productivity; River monitoring; Stream health – invertebrates; Stream health – fish; Fine sediment: bringing the geomorphology and biology together; Links between scientific and cultural indicators of river health   37KB doc
Movement and mortality of adult brown trout in the Motupiko River, New Zealand: effects of water temperature, flow and flooding. Young RG, Wilkinson J, Hay J, Hayes JW Young R.G.; Wilkinson J., Hay J.; Hayes, J.W. 2010: Movement and mortality of adult brown trout in the Motupiko River, New Zealand: effects of water temperature, flow and flooding. Transactions of the American Fisheries Society 139: 137–146  River monitoring; Stream health – fish; Trout tracking   265KB pdf

July 2008 - June 2009

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Collaboration and Modelling for Building Resilience – Tools for Integration in the Motueka HELP Catchment Andrew Fenemor, Neil Deans, Tim Davie, Will Allen, John Dymond, Margaret Kilvington, Chris Phillips, Les Basher, Paul Gillespie, Roger Young, Jim Sinner, Garth Harmsworth, Maggie Atkinson, Rob Smith Revised paper as published in Water South Africa 34(4) 2008. Originally presented at the HELP Southern Symposium ´Local Solutions to Global Water Problems´ Johnannesburg South Africa 4–9 November 2007   Cow crossings and water quality; Community reference group; Stakeholder issues; ICM general; Farm environmental planning; Futures modelling; Social learning; IDEAS; Community Resilience – Watershed Talk; Sherry River Community; UNESCO HELP Catchment & International links   1.73MB pdf
Integrated catchment management policy–making in New Zealand Baker MA, Markham S Paper presented at NZARM Annual Conference, Nelson, in Association with ICM AGM  Science uptake by councils; ICM general; Annual General Meetings   43KB pdf
Motueka Forest sediment study: data report July 2006 to June 2008 and analysis of sediment yield Clapp B   Sediment generation, delivery and impacts; Forest harvesting effects   1.32MB pdf
Integrated catchment management among New Zealand regional and unitary councils Daly C, Fenemor A Unpublished ICM report  ICM general   72KB pdf
Motupipi Catchment Nutrient Management – an ICM project with landowners of the Motupipi catchment, Golden Bay Fenemor A, Fenemor H, Gaul S Fenemor, A.D.; Fenemor, H.A.; Gaul, S. 2008. Motupipi Catchment Nutrient Management : A Landcare Research Integrated Catchment Management project with landowners of the Motupipi catchment, Golden Bay. Envirolink report LCR0809/014 for Motupipi landowners and Tasman District Council. 43pp.  River monitoring; Cow crossings and water quality; Stakeholder issues; Knowledge delivery; Farm environmental planning; Social learning; Sherry River Community   1.01MB pdf
Sherry River Water Quality Investigation 2007–08 James, T Sherry River Catchment Group field day  Riparian vegetation enhancement; River monitoring; Farm environmental planning; Sherry River Community; Faecal bacteria in the Motueka River   1011KB pdf
The Use of an Agent–Based Model to Represent Māori cultural Values Montes de Oca Munguia O, Harmsworth G, Young R, Dymond, J Proceedings of the 18th World IMACS / MODSIM Congress, Cairns, Australia 13–17 July 2009, p 217.  Maori and ICM; IDEAS   365KB pdf
Representing cultural values in IDEAS Montes de Oca Munguía O, Harmsworth G
Unpublished Motueka Integrated Catchment Management (Motueka ICM) Programme Report  IDEAS   783KB pdf
Use of willows and natives for stream bank control in New Zealand: a survey of regional councils Phillips CJ, Daly C Unpublished ICM report.  Riparian vegetation enhancement; Stabilising characteristics of native plants   588KB pdf
River bank styles and effects of vegetation on bank stability – a pilot assessment Phillips CJ, Marden M Draft report for ICM website (not reviewed)  Sediment generation, delivery and impacts; Riparian vegetation enhancement; River bank styles   9.50MB doc
Sherry River Newsletter September 2008 Stuart B   Stakeholder issues; Sherry River Community   1.89MB pdf
Linkages between cultural and scientific indicators of river and stream health Young R, Harmsworth G, Walker D, James T   Identifying Maori needs; River monitoring; Stream health – invertebrates; Maori and ICM; Tangata Whenua; Knowledge interactions; Social learning; Community Resilience – Watershed Talk; Links between scientific and cultural indicators of river health; Faecal bacteria in the Motueka River   584KB pdf
Organic matter breakdown and ecosystem metabolism: functional indicators for assessing river ecosystem health Young R, Matthaei CD, Townsend CR Journal North American Benthological Society 27(3): 605–625  Stream health – productivity; Stream health – invertebrates   321KB pdf

July 2007 - June 2008

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Modelling Impacts of Land Cover Change on Critical
Water Resources in the Motueka River Catchment,
New Zealand
Cao W, Bowden W, Davie T, Fenemor A Water Resource Management DOI 10.1007/s11269–008–9268–2   Modelling water quantity and quality   291KB pdf
Nutrient Loading from the Motueka River into Tasman Bay, 2005 and 2006. Clark K, Gillespie P, Forrest R Cawthron Report No. 1288. 15 p. Prepared for Stakeholders of the Motueka Integrated Catchment Management Programme.  Tasman Bay productivity; River plume ecosystem; Long term in–situ data collection in Tasman Bay   873KB pdf
Participatory modelling with an influence matrix and the calculation of whole–of–system sustainability values Cole A, Allen W, Kilvington M, Fenemor A, Bowden B Int. J. Sustainable Development, Vol. 10, No. 4, pp.382–401. 2007.  Community reference group    
Fundamentals of Hydrology (2nd edition) Davie T Published by Routledge. Available in all good book stores!  Tall vegetation effects on water yield; ICM general   507KB pdf
IDEAS: Integrated framework (NZHS Nov 2007) Dymond J, Davie T, Fenemor A, Cole A,
Montes de Oca Manguia O, Knight B, Batstone C
NZ Hydrological Society Annual Conference November 2007  IDEAS   82KB pdf
Motupiko water augmentation Fenemor A, Davie T, Thomas J NZ Hydrological SOciety Annual Conference 2007  Water augmentation   348KB pdf
BMP report Fenemor H   Cow crossings and water quality; ICM general; Sherry River Community   85KB pdf
Improving Water Quality through Farm Environment Planning across the Sherry Catchment – SFF project summary Fenemor, A, Stuart B Copy of project summary for Sustainable Farming Fund website  Stream health – invertebrates; Cow crossings and water quality; Farm environmental planning; Sherry River Community   15KB pdf
Nutrient Loading from the Motueka River into Tasman Bay, 2007 Forrest R, Clark K, Gillespie P   Tasman Bay productivity; Ecosystem models of Tasman & Golden Bays; River plume ecosystem   965KB pdf
Sustainability performance indicators for suspended bivalve aquaculture activities. Gibbs MT Ecological Indicators 7: 94–107.   Tasman Bay productivity; Ecosystem models of Tasman & Golden Bays    
Dynamic 3d finite element model of the Upper Motueka Hong T, Minni G, Davie T, Thomas J NZ Hydrological Society Annual Conference, Rotorua 2007  Upper Motueka water resources   397KB pdf
Flood regime of a pumice catchment Jackson R NZ Hydrological Society Conference, Rotorua 2007  Tall vegetation effects on water yield   337KB pdf
Out in the cold: sustainable development monitoring and indigenous communities Jollands N, Harmsworth G Book on sustainable development indicators. Publishers: Oxford University Press, India. (in press)  Maori and ICM    
Evaluation of the Social Spaces of the Integrated Catchment Management (ICM) Research Programme Kilvington M, Allen W Landcare Research Contract Report: LC0607/183  Social learning   134KB pdf
Establishing native plants alongside the Sherry River, with particular emphasis on initial weed control. The Bavin’s trial. Langer L, Ledgard N, Henley D   Riparian vegetation assessment; Riparian vegetation enhancement; Stabilising characteristics of native plants; Farm environmental planning   79KB pdf
Tadmor River water augmentation scheme - ecological aspects revisited Olsen DA Cawthron Report 1291, 20p. May 2007.  River monitoring; Stream health – invertebrates   2.49MB pdf
Hydrological Processes in the Upper Motueka River Valley, New Zealand Stewart MK, Davie TJA, Thomas JT, Hong TYS IUGG Conference  Mechanisms of groundwater recharge; Upper Motueka water resources   3.78MB pdf
Faecal Indicator Organism Modelling (FIO): Application to Motueka River Wilkinson J   Cow crossings and water quality; Tasman Bay productivity; Ecosystem models of Tasman & Golden Bays; River plume ecosystem; Tangata Whenua; Faecal bacteria in the Motueka River   1.40MB pdf

July 2006 - June 2007

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Report on ICM website summarising and reviewing sediment learning group process. Allen W   Sediment generation, delivery and impacts; Sediment learning group   26KB pdf
A distributed model of water balance in the Motueka catchment, New Zealand. Andrew RM, Dymond JR Environmental Modelling and Software 2007 (in press)
Modelling water quantity and quality   712KB pdf
Fine sediment in the Motueka River. Basher L Soil Horizons, Issue 14, September 2006, p8–9.  Sediment generation, delivery and impacts; Stream health – invertebrates   346KB pdf
Fine sediment research issues in the Motueka River in the ICM programme: bringing the geomorphology and biology together How are we progressing? Basher L, Young R   Sediment generation, delivery and impacts; Fine sediment: bringing the geomorphology and biology together   92KB pdf
Multi–criteria calibration and validation of SWAT in a large mountainous catchment with high spatial variability. Cao W, Bowden WB, Davie T, Fenemor A Hydrological Processes 20:1057–1073. 2006.  Modelling water quantity and quality   346KB pdf
Motueka Catchment futures, transdisciplinarity, a local sustainability problématique and the Achilles–heel of Western science Cole A 5th Australasian Conference on Social and Environmental Accounting Research, Wellington, 22–24 November 2006   Futures modelling   683KB pdf
The Influence Matrix Methodology: a technical report Cole, A Cole, A. O. 2006. The Influence Matrix methodology: a technical report. Rep. No. LC0506/175. Landcare Research, Palmerston North: New Zealand.  Community reference group; Stakeholder issues; Sustaining ecosystem services; ICM general; Futures modelling; IDEAS   874KB pdf
Integrated Catchment Management (ICM) Among New Zealand Regional and Unitary Councils. Daly C, Fenemor A Draft report completed following telephone interviews with NZ regional councils on ICM.     
Review of Kainui Dam water yield (Client report) Davie T Landcare Research Contract Report LC00304/006.  Water augmentation    
Modelling streamflow input for a proposed irrigation reservoir at Kainui, Nelson. Davie T, Fenemor A, Thomson P Abstract. Hydrology and the Community; Proceedings of the NZ Hydrological Society Symposium, November 2003, pp 31–32.  Water augmentation   997KB pdf
Integrating groundwater modelling and river ecology for improved understanding Davie T, Young R, Olsen D, Hong T, Thomas J (Abstract) p 42 in Proceedings of “Resource management under stormy skies: water allocation @ the crossroads? Conference programme and abstracts. November 20–23, 2006, Christchurch.  Upper Motueka water resources; Stream health – invertebrates   76KB doc
Forests for soil and water conservation – what does the science say? Davie TJA New Zealand Journal of Forestry 51 2006  Tall vegetation effects on water yield   112KB pdf
Tussock grasslands and high water yield: a review of the evidence. Davie TJA, Fahey BD, Stewart MK Journal of Hydrology (NZ), 45(2): 83–94. 2006.  Tall vegetation effects on water yield   199KB pdf
Faecal pollution from land sources flushed
by storm–flows.
Davies-Colley RJ Paper submitted for publication in J Shellfish Research – Draft for comment.  Stream health – invertebrates; Sherry River Community; Faecal bacteria in the Motueka River   84KB pdf
IDEAS conceptual model for Integrated Catchment Management. Dymond J, Cole A, Davie T, Fenemor A Combined HydroSoc, MetSoc & NZARM Conference, Christchurch, November 2006.  IDEAS   393KB pdf
Validation of a region-wide landslide risk model. Dymond JR, Ausseil A-G, Shepherd JD, Buettner L Geomorphology, 74: 70–79. 2006.  Sediment generation, delivery and impacts   744KB pdf
Hydrological information in water law and policy: New Zealand’s devolved approach to water management. Fenemor A, Davie T, Markham S Chapter 12 in: Wouters, P. and Wallace, J. (eds) Hydrology and Water law – Bridging the Gap. IWA Publishing, London. 2006.  Valuing water   2.28MB doc
Water augmentation options for irrigation in the Motupiko Catchment Fenemor A, Pickens A, Davie T, Dawson M, Basher L, Barringer J
Landcare Research Contract Report: LC0607/157 prepared for: Motupiko Catchment Water Augmentation Committee  Water augmentation   3.11MB pdf
Enhancing Water Use Flexibility and Security using the Motueka Catchment as a case study: Discussion Paper Fenemor A, Sinner J Internal Report  Upper Motueka water resources   725KB pdf
Multiple indicators reveal river plume influence on sediments and benthos in a New Zealand coastal embayment Forrest B, Gillespie P, Cornelisen C, Rogers K New Zealand Journal of Marine & Freshwater Research. 41: 13–24.2007.  Tasman Bay productivity; River plume ecosystem; Faecal bacteria in the Motueka River   433KB pdf
Defining the seaward extent of New Zealands coastal zone. Gibbs MT, Hobday AJ, Sanderson B, Hewitt CL Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science 66:240–254. 2006.  Tasman Bay productivity    
River outwelling plumes: good or bad places to farm mussels? Gillespie P New Zealand Marine Farm Association. June Newsletter. p 5, 6 & 10.  Tasman Bay productivity; Ecosystem models of Tasman & Golden Bays; Faecal bacteria in the Motueka River   156KB pdf
Nutrient discharge from the Motueka catchment into Tasman Bay, 2005. Gillespie P, Young R, Nottage R, Clark K Abstract. New Zealand Marine Sciences Society Conference, September 2006.  Tasman Bay productivity   24KB doc
Maori Environmental Monitoring in New Zealand: Progress, concepts, and future direction. Harmsworth GR, Tipa G Report for the ICM website. 29pp.  Maori and ICM   234KB pdf
Instream habitat modelling and its application to the Motueka catchment Hay J, Young R Internal report – Cawthron 1073, January 2007  Stream health – invertebrates; Stream health – fish   1.88MB pdf
Analysis of the relationship between river management and bed level change in the Motueka River. Henker L, Basher L Unpublished ICM report 2005-06/02  Sediment generation, delivery and impacts   326KB pdf
Predicting the carrying capacity of bivalve shellfish culture using a steady, linear food web model. Jiang W, Gibbs MT Aquaculture 244:171–185. 2005.  Tasman Bay productivity    
Participation of indigenous groups in sustainable development monitoring: rationale and examples from New Zealand. Jollands N, Harmsworth G Journal of the International Society for Ecological Economics 62: 716–726.  Identifying Maori needs; Tangata Whenua   335KB pdf
Mountains to the Sea: Reflections on an arts and science collaboration about the Motueka River Catchment. Kilvington M, Horn C Published by Manaaki Whenua/Landcare Research as part of the Mountains to the Sea Arts/Science Project.  Arts & science collaboration; Social learning   568KB pdf
Bugs’n’mud: E. coli, turbidity and flow relationships for the Motueka River McKergow L, Davies-Colley R (Abstract) p 87 in Proceedings of “Resource management under stormy skies: water allocation @ the crossroads? Conference programme and abstracts. November 20–23, 2006, Christchurch.  Stream health – invertebrates; Tasman Bay productivity; Sherry River Community; Faecal bacteria in the Motueka River   185KB doc
River/Groundwater Interaction Dynamics in the Upper Motueka Catchment: Progress Report Mike Stewart, Joseph Thomas, Tim Davie ICM report series  Upper Motueka water resources   272KB pdf
Element signature analysis from the otoliths of brown trout (Salmo trutta) determines recruitment in the Motueka River, Nelson. Olley R, Closs G, Kristensen EA, Young R Abstract. In proceedings of NZ Freshwater Sciences Society conference.  Stream health – fish   25KB doc
Integrating groundwater modelling and river ecology Olsen D, Young R, Davie T, Hong T, Thomas J NZ Freshwater Sciences Society Conference  Upper Motueka water resources; Stream health – invertebrates   29KB doc
Diagnostic Report for Integrated Water Resource Management in the Cook Islands Parakoti B, Davie T Report for SOPAC  ICM general; UNESCO HELP Catchment & International links   2.44MB pdf
Pine afforestation and stream health: a comparison of land–use in two soft rock catchments, East Cape, New Zealand Parkyn SM, Davies—Colley R, Scarsbrook MR, Halliday NJ, Nagels JW, Marden M, Rowan D New Zealand Natural Sciences (2006) 31: 113–135  Stream health – invertebrates; Fine sediment: bringing the geomorphology and biology together   375KB pdf
Integrated catchment management – A way forward for sustainable land management? Phillips CJ, Fenemor A RM Update: News and analysis about sustainable resource management in agriculture, horticulture and forestry. MAF, Issue 18, April 2006, 10-11.    3.89MB pdf
What happened to soil conservation and is the renaissance coming? Phillips CJ, Marden M Soil Horizons, Issue 14, September 2006, p2.  Sediment generation, delivery and impacts; Stabilising characteristics of native plants   374KB pdf
A case study of water management in the Motueka catchment: responses to water allocation reform proposals Sinner J, Fenemor A, Baines J Internal Report    788KB pdf
River/Groundwater Interaction Dynamics in the Upper Motueka Catchment: Progress Report Stewart M, Thomas J, Davie T ICM report series  Upper Motueka water resources; Dating groundwater   271KB pdf
Assessment of affects on fish passage at tide gates using DIDSON technology Strickland R, Quaterman A Internal Report – Cawthron Report 1260. 2007  Stream health – fish; Flood gate design and management   4.27MB pdf
Stream bank erosion: a review of processes of bank failure, measurement and assessment techniques, and modelling approaches Watson A, Basher L Internal Report  Sediment generation, delivery and impacts; Stabilising characteristics of native plants; River bank styles   2.62MB pdf
Freshwater ecology and instream values in the upper Motueka. Young R, Thomas J Report EP06/08/12 presented to Tasman District Council Resource Management Policy Committee. 28th August 2006.  Stream health – invertebrates   874KB pdf

July 2005 - June 2006

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Understanding Whole–of–System Sustainability in the Motueka Catchment: Participatory Modelling with an Influence Matrix Cole A, Allen W, Kilvington M, Fenemor A, Bowden, W Cole A, Allen W, Kilvington M, Fenemor A, Bowden, W 2006. Understanding Whole–of–System Sustainability in the Motueka Catchment: Participatory Modelling with an Influence Matrix. Landcare Research Report LC0506/087  Community reference group; Stakeholder issues; Sustaining ecosystem services; Futures modelling; IDEAS   1.12MB pdf
A Comparison of Methods: Dynamic Input / Output and Conceptual Modelling Approaches to Sustainable Resource Management in the Motueka Catchment of New Zealand. Cole A, Fenemor A Abstract. CANSEE conference, Toronto, October 2005.     
Mediated Modelling, Strong Transdisciplinarity and Sustainable Resource Management in the Motueka Catchment of New Zealand. Cole AO In Maxwell B, Cole AO. Transdisciplinarity, Dialogue and the Central Role of Synthesis in the Study of Human Wellbeing, Toronto, Canada, York University. Pp. 1–20. 2005.  Knowledge interactions; Futures modelling    
Below–ground morphology of Cordyline australis (New Zealand cabbage tree) and its suitability for river bank stabilisation. Czernin A, Phillips C New Zealand Journal of Botany, 43: 851–864.   Riparian vegetation enhancement; Stabilising characteristics of native plants; River bank styles   1.17MB pdf
Hydrological effects of forestation: a review. Davie T Landcare Research Report LC0506/160. Client report for Auckland Regional Council. 2006.  Upper Motueka water resources; Valuing water    
Forestry and water yield: the New Zealand example Davie T, Fahey B Davie, T. and Fahey, B. (2006) Forestry and water yield: the New Zealand example. Proceedings of International Workshop on Impacts of Reforestation of Degraded Land on Landscape Hydrology in the Asian Region, Roorkee, India, March 2006. National Institute of Hydrology, Roorkee, India.   Tall vegetation effects on water yield   567KB pdf
Stakeholder involvement in Integrated Catchment Management – Motueka, New Zealand Davie T, Fenemor A, Allen W, Phillips C, Davie, T., Fenemor, A.., Allen, W. and Phillips, C., (In Press) Stakeholder involvement in Integrated Catchment Management – Motueka, New Zealand. Proceedings of International Workshop on Impacts of Reforestation of Degraded Land on Landscape Hydrology in the Asian Region, Roorkee, India, March 2006. National Institute of Hydrology, Roorkee, India  ICM general   378KB pdf
Natural Resource Management Alternatives: suggestions for a Mahinga Kai Cultural Park at Wairewa. Davie TJA Wairewa Report Series 2005/02. Unpublished Landcare Research Stakeholder Report ( 2005.   Maori and ICM   146KB pdf
Coastal Workshop Held at TDC on 22 March 2005. Gillespie P Unpublished summary report  Tasman Bay productivity; River plume ecosystem; Delta habitat mapping   250KB doc
Nutrient loading from the Motueka River into Tasman Bay, 2005 Gillespie P, Nottage R, Clark K Internal report – Cawthron 1180, October 2006  Tasman Bay productivity   986KB pdf
The quantity and quality of suspended particulate material of near-bottom waters in the Motueka River plume, Tasman Bay . Gillespie P, Rhodes L Internal report – Cawthron 1114, April 2006.  Tasman Bay productivity; River plume ecosystem   3.32MB pdf
Working with Tangata Whenua - working and learning together Pt 2. Harmsworth G 2005 AGM. Poster.  Identifying Maori needs   294KB pdf
Working with Tangata Whenua - working and learning together Pt 1. Harmsworth G Poster  Identifying Maori needs; Maori and ICM   319KB pdf
Report on the development and use of GIS for iwi and hapu: Motueka case study, Aotearoa–New Zealand. Harmsworth G, Park M, Walker D Unpublished ICM paper  Identifying Maori needs; Maori and ICM   471KB pdf
Cultural Consideration in Landslide Risk Perception. Harmsworth GR, Raynor B Chapter 7. In: Glade, T.; Anderson, M.; Crozier, M. Ed Landslide Hazard and Risk. London, John Wiley and Sons Ltd. 219-249.   Sediment generation, delivery and impacts; Maori and ICM    
River–aquifer interaction modelling in the Upper Motueka River catchment: three–dimensional finite–element groundwater flow model Hong T, Thomas J, Davie T Unpublished ICM Report No. 2004–2005/03  Upper Motueka water resources   3.59MB pdf
Fish passage in the Tasman District James T Tasman District Council Report Ref: R05006  Stream health – fish; Flood gate design and management   1.85MB pdf
IDEAS – an Integrated Dynamic Environmental Assessment System for catchment planning John Dymond, Anthony Cole, Tim Davie, Andrew Fenemor, Mark Gibbs ICM report series  IDEAS   1.25MB pdf
A Human Technology of Integration Lauder, G   Institutional Learning – Research and Practice   332KB pdf
Stabilising characterisics of New Zealand indigenous riparian colonising plants. Marden M, Rowan D, Phillips C Plant and soil (278): 95–105.  Riparian vegetation enhancement; Stabilising characteristics of native plants; River bank styles   246KB pdf
Above and below ground characteristics of native riparian plant colonisers – Karamu, Ribbonwood, Kowhai, Lemonwood, Kohuhu, Lacebark, Mapou, Fivefinger, Cabbage tree, Rewarewa, Tutu. Marden M, Rowan D, Phillips CJ 11 Posters detailing the above and below ground characteristics of various native riparian plant colonisers.  Stabilising characteristics of native plants; River bank styles    
Conversations about a River. Peacock S Published by Manaaki Whenua/Landcare Research as part of the Mountains to the Sea Arts/Science Project.  Arts & science collaboration; Social learning    
Integrated catchment management (ICM): integration, knowledge management and the role of collaborative learning. Phillips C, Allen W, Lauder G, Kilvington M, Fenemor A Abstract. ISSRM 06. Social Sciences in Resource Management: Global Challenges & Local Responses. 12th International Symposium on Society and Resource Management, Vancouver, Canada June 3–8, 2006.  Knowledge interactions; Knowledge delivery   16KB pdf
ICM for the Motueka River CD-Rom Phillips CJ Version 1.0 of the ICM for the Motueka River CD was launched at Ecofest in Nelson on 20 and 21 August 2005.     
Erosion and Sediment Control Using New Zealand Native Plants – What Do We Know? Phillips CJ Abstract. NZ Institute of Highway Technology – Erosion Control Seminar, Palmerston North, 11–13 September 2005.   Stabilising characteristics of native plants; River bank styles   158KB pdf
Use of Plants for Ground Bioengineering and Erosion & Sediment Control in New Zealand. Phillips CJ, Marden M "Soil & Water...too good to lose". Joint annual conference NSW Stormwater Industry Association and the International Erosion Control Association (Australasian Chapter), Parramatta, Sydney June 27-30, 2006.    142KB pdf
Investigation of groundwater in the Upper Motueka River Catchment Stewart M, Hong T, Cameron S,
Daughney C, Tait T, Thomas J
Institute of Geological & Nuclear Sciences science report 2003/32  Upper Motueka water resources   4.59MB pdf
New Light on Streamwater Sources in the Glendhu Experimental Catchments, East Otago, New Zealand. Stewart MK, Fahey BD, Davie TJA In “Where Waters Meet”, Proceeedings of the NZHS–IAH–NZSSS 2005 Conference, Auckland, December 2005. Paper D29 (11 pages). 2005.  Dating groundwater   391KB pdf
Tidal circulation in Tasman and Golden Bays: Implications for river plume behaviour. Tuckey BJ, Gibbs MT, Knight BR, Gillespie PA New Zealand Journal of Marine & Freshwater Research. 40: 305–324. 2006.  Tasman Bay productivity; Ecosystem models of Tasman & Golden Bays; River plume ecosystem   3.29MB pdf
Suspended sediment monitoring in the Motueka catchment: data report to 1 May 2006 Wild M, Hicks M, Merrilees R Internal Report. NIWA Report: CHC2006–087.  Sediment generation, delivery and impacts; Fine sediment: bringing the geomorphology and biology together   1.84MB pdf
Sediment learning group Will A   Sediment generation, delivery and impacts; Knowledge interactions; Fine sediment: bringing the geomorphology and biology together; Social learning   32KB doc

July 2004 - June 2005

go to top
Supporting sustainable development in natural resource management through the use of dialogue-based engagement. Allen W, Kilvington K, Horn C(2004) Discussion paper prepared for workshop proceedings, Dialogue on Water, Food and Environment. International Water Management Institute. 2004.     
Getting technical environmental information into watershed decision making. Allen WJ, Kilvington MJ Chapter 3 in Ed. J.L. Hatfield The Farmers Decision: Balancing Economic Successful Agriculture Production with Environmental Quality. Publisher: Soil and Water Conservation Society. pp. 45–61. 2005     
Travelling River: a collaboration of artists, scientists and the people of the Motueka River catchment. Atkinson M, Peacock S Published by Manaaki Whenua/Landcare Research as part of the Mountains to the Sea Arts/Science Project.  Arts & science collaboration; Social learning    
Researchers get to the bottom of sediment. Basher L Discovery, Issue 11 March 2005, p8-9.     
Conceptual requirements for an erosion-sediment model for the Motueka catchment. Basher L Unpublished ICM report  Sediment generation, delivery and impacts   225KB pdf
Integrated Water and Catchment Research for the Public Good: The Motueka River–Tasman Bay Initiative, New Zealand. Bowden B, Fenemor A, Deans N Water Resources Development,
Vol. 20, No. 3, 311–323, September 2004. 
Stakeholder issues; Knowledge delivery   481KB pdf
Ngatimoti School, a special place. Clothier-Cowley J 2004 AGM. Poster.    848KB pdf
Challenges for Sustainable Development in the Motueka Catchment – Participatory Modelling with an Influence Matrix. Cole A, Allen W, Kilvington M, Fenemor A, Bowden WB 2004 AGM. Poster.  Futures modelling; Social learning   1.03MB pdf
Effects of fine sediment on river biota. Crowe A, Hay J Internal report. Cawthron Report No. 951. 35 p. 2004      
Effects of fine sediment on invertebrates: a review. Crowe A, Hay J, Young R 2004 AGM. Poster.  Sediment generation, delivery and impacts; Stream health – productivity; River monitoring; Stream health – invertebrates; Fine sediment: bringing the geomorphology and biology together   1.07MB pdf
Stabilising characteristics of the New Zealand cabbage tree (Cordyline australis). Czernin A, Phillips C Abstract. Eco–engineering: the use of vegetation to improve slope stability, Thessaloniki, Greece, 13–17 September 2004.  Riparian vegetation assessment; Stabilising characteristics of native plants; River bank styles   20KB doc
Review of different hydrological modelling frameworks for usage in the Motueka Integrated Catchment Management programme of research Davie T Davie T (2004)Review of different hydrological modelling frameworks for usage in the Motueka Integrated Catchment Management programme of research. ICM Report Series 2004–05/09  IDEAS; Modelling water quantity and quality   706KB pdf
Tall tussock and water yield: an updated review of the evidence. Davie TJA Landcare Research Contract Report LC0405/144. 2005.     
Soil water, runoff and streamflow generation. Davie TJA In: Harding, J., Mosley, P., Pearson, C., and Sorrell, B. (eds) Freshwaters of New Zealand. NZ Hydrological Society pp 4.1-4.10     
Forestry and water yield – current knowledge and further work. Davie TJA, Fahey BD NZ Journal of Forestry 49(4):3–8. 2005.  Tall vegetation effects on water yield     pdf
Are low flows affected by vegetation change in the same way as annual yield? Davie TJA, Fahey BD Abstract. The Water Balance: Proceedings of the NZ Hydrological Society Symposium, November 2004, pp64–65   Tall vegetation effects on water yield   126KB pdf
Ridgetops to the sea – developing sustainable management tools in New Zealand’s Integrated Catchment Management project. Davie TJA, Fenemor A, Kilvington M, Cole A, Gillespie P In: Hydrology: Science and practice for the 21st century volume II pp72–79. British Hydrological Society.   ICM general; Modelling water quantity and quality   919KB pdf
Water quality impact of a dairy cow herd crossing a stream. Davies-Colley RJ, Nagels J W, Smith RA, Young RG, Phillips CJ   Stream health – invertebrates; Cow crossings and water quality   81KB pdf
Water quality impact of a dairy cow herd crossing a stream. Davies-Colley RJ, Nagels JW, Smith RA, Young RG, Phillips CJ New Zealand Journal of Marine and Freshwater Research 38: 569–576. 2004.  Cow crossings and water quality; Sherry River Community   81KB pdf
IDEAS - an Integrated Dynamic Environmental Assessment System for catchment planning. Dymond J, Davie T, Fenemor A ICM research report, Landcare Research. 2005.     
The SWAT model applied to simulating Nitrogen fluxes in the Motueka River catchment Ekanayake J, Davie T Landcare Research ICM Report 2004–05/04  IDEAS; Modelling water quantity and quality   412KB pdf
Motueka ICM Field Guide Short Version for 2004 AGM. Fenemor A, and others Unpublished guide book  Stakeholder issues; Knowledge delivery   906KB pdf
Benthic Organic Matter Sources & Fates at Motueka Delta and Plume sites in Tasman Bay: Study Design. Forrest B, Gillespie P Cawthron Report No. 920 prepared for stakeholders of the Motueka ICM Programme. 4p. 2004.  Tasman Bay productivity    
Good practice guidelines for working with tangata whenua and Maori organisations: Consolidating our learning. Garmsworth G Unpublished ICM and Landcare Research report LC0405/091  Identifying Maori needs; Maori and ICM; Tangata Whenua   707KB pdf
Catchment-built habitats hidden by the sea: Habitat mapping of the intertidal and subtidal Motueka delta. Gillespie P, Robertson B, Strickland R, Thompson S, Hopkins G, Clarke M, Keeley N 2004 AGM. Poster.  Tasman Bay productivity; Delta habitat mapping   1.27MB pdf
Integrated Catchment Management: iwi/hapu values and collaboration. Harmsworth G 2004 AGM. Poster.  Maori and ICM; Tangata Whenua   546KB pdf
Collaborative research with Maori groups as part of the Motueka integrated catchment management (ICM) programme. Harmsworth G Unpublished report.  Identifying Maori needs   127KB doc
Motueka Integrated Catchment Management (ICM) Programme –Working with Iwi. Harmsworth G Journal of Water and Wastes in New Zealand. May Issue, 2005. New Zealand Water and Wastes Association. 43-48.  Maori and ICM; Tangata Whenua    
Predicting the Carrying Capacity of Shellfish Culture Using Steady, Linear Food Web Models. Jiang W, Gibbs M Unpublished report. CAW 901.  Tasman Bay productivity; Ecosystem models of Tasman & Golden Bays   434KB pdf
Predicting the carrying capacity of bivalve shellfish culture using a steady, linear food web model. Jiang W, Gibbs MT Aquaculture 244. 171-185. 2005.     
Costs and benefits of the Tadmor valley water augmentation scheme. Krausse M, Fenemor A 2004 AGM. Poster.  Valuing water   1.23MB pdf
River inputs, re-mineralisation and the spatial and temporal distribution of inorganic nutrients in Tasman Bay, New Zealand. MacKenzie L New Zealand Journal of Marine and Freshwater Research 38: 681–704. 2004.  Tasman Bay productivity; River plume ecosystem   5.48MB pdf
Water column stratification and the spatial and temporal distribution of phytoplankton biomass in Tasman Bay, New Zealand: implications for aquaculture. MacKenzie L, Adamson J New Zealand Journal of Marine and Freshwater Research 38: 705–728. 2004.     
Progress in identifying sediment sources in the Motueka catchment. Marden M, Basher L, Barringer J, Ferris S 2004 AGM. Poster.  Sediment generation, delivery and impacts   3.17MB pdf
Streambank planting trials-the final chapter. Marden M, Phillips C Conservation Quorum No 36, p 7 & 8. 2004.     
Performance of native riparian plants – how different are they? Marden M, Rowan D, Phillips C 2004 AGM. Poster.  Riparian vegetation enhancement; Stabilising characteristics of native plants; River bank styles   588KB pdf
Stabilising characteristics of New Zealand indigenous riparian colonising plants. Marden M, Rowan D, Phillips C Abstract. Eco–engineering: the use of vegetation to improve slope stability, Thessaloniki, Greece, 13–17 September 2004.   Riparian vegetation enhancement; Stabilising characteristics of native plants; River bank styles   21KB doc
Rakautara Farm – a sustainable, integrated land use solution to minimise landslide erosion. Phillips CJ, Blakely R, Davie T, Bouma D Poster and abstract presented at "Eco-engineering: the use of vegetation to improve slope stability" Thessaloniki, Greece, 13-17 October 2004.     
Motueka River Riparian Typology Classification. Phillips CJ, Marden M Unpublished ICM report. 2003–04/01
Riparian classification   1.69MB pdf
Catchment channel characteristics and riverbed substrate assessment - a review and trial of a method of fine sediment assessment in the Motueka River. Phillps C, Basher L Unpublished ICM report  Sediment generation, delivery and impacts   1.86MB pdf
Management and conservation of natural waters. Richmond C, Froude VA, Fenemor A, Zuur B Chapter 49. In: Harding, J.S.; Mosely, M.P.; Pearson, C.; Sorrell, B. (eds.) Freshwaters of New Zealand. 2004.     
Dairying and clean streams accord. Action plan for Tasman District. Tasman District Council & Fonterra Explanatory flier     
Root tensile strength as an indicator of performance of riparian plants – How do they rank? Watson A, Marden M 2004 AGM. Poster.  Riparian vegetation enhancement; Stabilising characteristics of native plants; River bank styles   489KB pdf
New Zealand-6: Motueka River. Watson AJ, Davie TJA, Basher L, Barringer J In Tachikawa, Y.; James, R.; Abdullah, K.; Desa, M.N.M. (Eds), Catalogue of Rivers for Southeast Asia and the Pacific: Volume V. {Jakata}, UNESCO–IHP Regional Steering Committee of Southeast ASia and the Pacific. Pp 159–175.    5.42MB pdf
Suspended sediment monitoring in the Motueka catchment: data report to 30 June 2004. Wild M, Hicks M, Merrilees R Unpublished report. NIWA Client Report: CHC2004– 118, October 2004.  Sediment generation, delivery and impacts; River monitoring; Fine sediment: bringing the geomorphology and biology together   2.66MB pdf
Land Cover Change in the Motueka Catchment 1996-2001. Willoughby J 2004 AGM. Poster.    270KB pdf
State of surface water quality in Tasman District. Young R, James T, Hay J Cawthron Report 933. 69p. 2005  Stream health – productivity; River monitoring; Stream health – invertebrates   22.22MB pdf
Water quality and thermal regime of the Motueka River: influences of land cover, geology and position in the catchment. Young RG, Quarterman AJ, Eyles RF, Smith RA, Bowden WB New Zealand Journal of Marine and Freshwater Research 39: 803–825. 2005.  River monitoring; Stream health – invertebrates   439KB pdf
Impacts of hydro-dams, irrigation schemes and river control works. Young RG, Smart GM, Harding JS Pp. 37.1- 37.16. In Harding, J.S.; Mosely, M.P.; Pearson, C; Sorrell, B. (eds.) Freshwaters of New Zealand. New Zealand Hydrological Society and New Zealand Limnological Society. 2004.     

July 2003 - June 2004

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Sediment generation, transport, and impacts in the Motueka River, New Zealand. Basher L, Deans N, Hicks M, Marden M, Phillips C Abstract. International Conference for Sediment and Geochemical Budgets in Geomorphology to honour Professor Olav Slaymaker, June 27 – 30th, 2004. The University of British Columbia, Vancouver, Canada.  Sediment generation, delivery and impacts; Fine sediment: bringing the geomorphology and biology together    
Review of existing data on erosion rates and sediment yield for the Motueka catchment. Basher L, Hicks DM Unpublished ICM report. 2002-03/02.      
Identification of major sediment sources in the Motueka River. Basher L, Marden M, Barringer J, North H Unpublished ICM report. 2002–03/01.
Sediment generation, delivery and impacts   1.46MB pdf
Whats happening in the Motueka riverbed? Basher L, Sriboonlue S, Verstappen E 2003 AGM. Poster.  Fine sediment: bringing the geomorphology and biology together   148KB pdf
Modelling impacts of land cover on critical water resources in the Motueka River watershed, New Zealand. Cao W, Bowden WB, Davie T, Fenemor A 2003 AGM. Poster.     
Application of SWAT in a large mountainous catchment with high spatial variability. Cao W, Bowden WB, Davie T, Fenemor A Proceedings of the 2nd International SWAT conference, Bari July 2003. Texas Water Resource Institute Technical Report 266:pp 38-69.     
Recharge of Moutere aquifers: a report into investigations on recharge mechanisms. Davie T, Jackson R, Basher L, Stewart M, Hong T, Thomas J Unpublished ICM report. 2002–03/06.
  1.48MB pdf
If Moutere groundwater is 20,000 years old, why does current land use matter? Davie T, Stewart, Thomas J, Hong T, Jackson R, Basher L 2003 AGM. Poster.  Mechanisms of groundwater recharge; Upper Motueka water resources; Dating groundwater   517KB pdf
Cows out of creeks. Davies-Colley R, Nagels J, Merrilees R 2003 AGM. Poster.  Cow crossings and water quality   205KB pdf
Cows & creeks. Davies-Colley R, Nagels J, Smith R, Young R, Phillips C 2003 AGM. Poster.  Cow crossings and water quality   656KB pdf
Report 7: User’s Guide for the Land Use Change Water Balance Model (WATYIELD). Fahey BD, Jackson RJ, Davie TJA Landcare Research Contract Report LC0203/185. 2004.  Upper Motueka water resources   433KB pdf
Application to UNESCO HELP project. Fenemor A Application to join UNESCO HELP project.     
Benthic and planktonic microalgae in Tasman Bay: biomass distribution and implications for shellfish growth. Gillespie P Unpublished report. CAW 835.
Tasman Bay productivity; Ecosystem models of Tasman & Golden Bays   716KB pdf
Circulation in Tasman Bay and Golden Bay. Gillespie P 2003 AGM. Poster.  River plume ecosystem   656KB pdf
Catchment nutrient discharges: good and bad news for the management of fish and shellfish resources in Tasman Bay. Gillespie P, 2003 AGM. Poster.     
Movement of Salmonids in Response to Low Flow: A Literature Review. Hay J Unpublished report. CAW 873
Stream health – fish   312KB pdf
Integrated biodiversity management: bringing research and management together. Kilvington M, Allen W, Horn C, Harmsworth G 2003 AGM. Poster.     
Riparian vegetation: classification and rehabilitation opportunities in a weedy environment, Sherry River, Motueka Catchment. Langer L Abstract. Limsoc, Waiheke Island, December 2004.     
Riparian vegetation: classification and rehabilitation opportunities in a weedy environment, Sherry River, Motueka Catchment Langer L Limsoc, Waiheke Island, December 2004  Sediment generation, delivery and impacts; Riparian vegetation assessment   31KB doc
Riparian vegetation classification and enhancement opportunities, Sherry River, Motueka Catchment Langer L, Rodgers B 2003 AGM. Poster.  Riparian vegetation assessment; Riparian vegetation enhancement   3.05MB pdf
River inputs, re-mineralisation and the spatial and temporal distribution of inorganic nutrients in Tasman Bay, New Zealand. MacKenzie L, Gillespie P, Thompson S Unpublished report. CAW 837.
Tasman Bay productivity; River plume ecosystem   1.13MB pdf
Researchers measure growth of native youngsters. Marden M, Phillips C, Trotter C Discovery, Issue 6 July 2003, p5.  Riparian vegetation enhancement; Stabilising characteristics of native plants   814KB pdf
Performance of native riparian plants - how different are they? Marden M, Rowan D, Phillips C 2003 AGM. Poster.     
Is knowledge management the answer in ICM? The Motueka River ICM experience. Phillips C, Allen W, Kilvington K ICaM AWA Catchment Management Conference, Sydney, Australia, 26–27 November 2003.  Knowledge delivery   105KB doc
Is knowledge management the answer in ICM? The Motueka River ICM experience. Phillips CJ, Allen WJ, Kilvington M Water – Journal of Australian Water Association May 2004, 63–66.  Knowledge delivery   313KB pdf
Where the rubber meets the road: the role of riparian management in ICM. Phillips CJ, Marden M ICaM AWA Catchment Management Conference, Sydney, Australia, 26–27 November 2003.  Riparian classification   375KB doc
Pfiesteria shumwayae and P. piscicida: Geographic distribution in New Zealand (2002-2003). Rhodes L, Adamson J, Blakemore K   Tasman Bay productivity   19KB doc
Summary tables for report 6 Rowe L.K.R.   Tall vegetation effects on water yield   54KB pdf
Report 6 – Land use and water resources: a comparison of streamflow from New Zealand catchments with different vegetation covers. Rowe, L.K.R   Tall vegetation effects on water yield   699KB pdf
Is the Motueka healthy? Insights from invertebrates. Shearer K, Young R 2003 AGM. Poster.  Stream health – invertebrates   508KB pdf
Trends in bed level and gravel storage in the Motueka River 1957-2001. Sriboonlue S, Basher L Unpublished ICM report. 2002–03/04.
Sediment generation, delivery and impacts   3.11MB pdf
From the ridgeways to the sea. Tasman District Council 2003 AGM. Poster.     
Progress of hydrodynamic and ecosystem model development for Tasman and Golden Bays. Tuckey B, Gibbs M, Barter P Unpublished report. CAW 851.
Tasman Bay productivity; Ecosystem models of Tasman & Golden Bays   674KB pdf
ICM programme workshop with Prof Hans Schreier of University of British Columbia: Getting the Integration into ICM. Various Workshop Nelson on 10-11 March 2004. A follow-up overnight workshop organised by Andrew Fenemor was held 10-11 May with Motueka sector group representatives at Bridge Valley Christian Camp. The workshop mapped out a structure for the prototype ICM Knowledge Delivery Toolbook. The workshop also agreed Terms of Reference for the ICM Sector Liaison Group, of which this was their first meeting.      
What do we know about the impacts of sediment on trout in the Motueka River? Young R, Hayes J, Deans N, Basher L 2003 AGM. Poster.  Stream health – fish; Fine sediment: bringing the geomorphology and biology together   224KB pdf

July 2002 - June 2003

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The Motueka & Riwaka Catchments Basher L and others Published Technical Report  Stakeholder issues; Knowledge delivery; ICM general   3.53MB pdf
Soil properties and hydrological processes on Moutere gravels, Nelson. Basher L, Jackson R Abstract. New Zealand Soil Science Society Conference, November 2002.  Mechanisms of groundwater recharge   73KB pdf
Modelling groundwater recharge and discharge in Motueka Catchment. Cao W, Bowden B, Davie T, Barringer J All the easy water has gone. Proceedings of the New Zealand Hydrological Society 2002 Symposium, Blenheim, December 3–6, 2002. pp 129–130.  Mechanisms of groundwater recharge; Upper Motueka water resources   95KB pdf
Modelling groundwater recharge and discharge in Motueka catchment. Cao W, Bowden B, Davie T, Basher L, Barringer J Abstract. New Zealand Hydrological Society Conference.     
Modelling impacts of land cover change on critical water resources in the Motueka River catchment, New Zealand Cao W, Bowden BW, Davie T, Fenemor A Abstract. AGU Chapman Conference on Ecosystem Interactions with Land Use Change. 14–18 June 2003. Santa Fe, New Mexico.  Upper Motueka water resources   789KB pdf
Researchers put a price on Mother Nature’s good deeds. Cole A, Baisden T Discovery, Issue 5 March/April 2003, p8.  Sustaining ecosystem services; Futures modelling    
Modelling land use change at the large catchment scale: the Motueka example. Davie T, Andrew R, Dymond J Abstract. All the easy water has gone. Proceedings of the New Zealand Hydrological Society 2002 Symposium, Blenheim, December 3–6, 2002. pp 133–134.    128KB pdf
Modelling land use change at the large catchment scale: the Motueka. Davie T, Andrew R, Dymond J Abstract. New Zealand Hydrological Society Conference.     
Motueka Integrated Catchment Management Fenemor A Water Conference MAF.
Research helps ease region’s growing pains. Fenemor A Discovery, Issue 5 March/April 2003, p4.     
Coastal Zone Gibbs M, Hobday A, Sanderson B, Hewitt C NZ Marine Sciences Society meeting Nelson, september 2002  Ecosystem models of Tasman & Golden Bays   130KB pdf
Marine component of the Integrated Catchment Management Programme. Gillespie G, Gibbs M, MacKenzie L, Tuckey B Abstract. Defining the spatial extent of New Zealands coastal zone. New Zealand Marine Sciences Society Conference, Nelson, 2–4 September.  Tasman Bay productivity; Ecosystem models of Tasman & Golden Bays    
How do native riparian plants grow? Marden M, Phillips C Conservation Quorum No. 26, p 14 & 15. 2002.     
Streambank planting trials. Marden M, Phillips CJ Conservation Quorum No 32, p 12 & 13. 2003.     
Erosion and stormwater control in the Forest industry: past, present and future? Phillips CJ, Marden M Abstract. The 3rd South Pacific Conference On Stormwater And Aquatic Resource Protection combined with the Annual Conference Of The Australasian Chapter Of The International Erosion Control Association "Communication And Linkages For Aquatic Resource Protection" 14–16 May 2003.  Sediment generation, delivery and impacts   1.29MB doc
Appendices for report 5 Rowe L.K.R.   Tall vegetation effects on water yield   61KB pdf
Report 4 - Summary of catchments with data suitable for use in the evaluation of landcover effects on water availability. Rowe, L.K.R., Jackson, R.J., Fahey, B.D   Tall vegetation effects on water yield   364KB pdf
Report 5 – Land use and water resources: hydrological effects of different vegetation covers. Rowe, L.K.R., Jackson, R.J., Fahey, B.D   Tall vegetation effects on water yield   674KB pdf
Moutere Valley Groundwater: Nature and Recharge from Isotopes and Chemistry. Stewart MK, Thomas JT IGNS Science Report 2002/22. This report was done as part of the IGNS Research Programme "Understanding Groundwater"   Mechanisms of groundwater recharge; Dating groundwater   1.24MB pdf
Assessment of some potential techniques to guide management of water abstraction from small stream. Young R, Hayes J Water abstraction management in small streams. Cawthron Report No. 743, June 2002.  Stream health – invertebrates; Stream health – fish   536KB pdf
Maintaining in-stream values of small streams given the increasing demand for water: lessons from the Top of the South. Young R, Hayes J, Crowe A, Strickland R, Hamill P Abstract. New Zealand Hydrological Society Conference, 2002.    83KB pdf
Interacting factors influence the quality of water delivered to Tasman Bay from the Motueka River Young R, Quaterman A, Eyles R, Bowden B, Smith R Marine Sciences conference Nelson, 2–4 September  Stream health – invertebrates   70KB pdf
Structural and functional measurements indicate subtle changes in ecosystem health along a New Zealand river. Young R, Shearer K Abstract. North American Benthological Society Meeting 27-31 May, Athens, Georgia, U.S.A.     

July 2001 - June 2002

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Enhancing interactions between knowledge providers and knowledge users. Allen W, Kilvington K 2001 AGM. Abstract.  Knowledge interactions   16KB doc
Learning and working together for the environment: Applying the Integrated Systems for Knowledge Management (ISKM) approach to support participation in natural resource management. Allen W, Kilvington M Paper in Lokas Community & University Partnerships: A Resource for Community–Based Research Practitioners.   Social learning    
Integrated catchment management rediscovered: an essential tool for a new millennium Bowden B Paper presented at Manaaki Whenua conference Te Papa 2002  ICM general   67KB pdf
Ecological Engineering at the Catchment Scale for Water Management: The Motueka River Initiative. Bowden B Abstract and Paper. International Ecological Engineering Conference, Lincoln, November 2001.    52KB doc
Raster-Based Hydrological Modelling of the Motueka Catchment. Dymond J, Andrew R, Bowden B Abstract. NZ Limnological Society and NZ Hydrological Society Conference, Palmerston North, November 2001.    22KB doc
Integrated Catchment Management for the Motueka River:
bridging the gap between hydrology and the human dimension
Fenemor A,Bowden W B Symposium on Innovative Approaches for Hydrology and Water Resources Management in Monsoon Asia, University of Tokyo, December 2001    222KB pdf
The Tasman Bay coastal productivity projects. Gillespie P, Gibbs M 2001 AGM.  Tasman Bay productivity; Ecosystem models of Tasman & Golden Bays   32KB doc
Sustainability science: introducing collaborative learning processes to environmental research programmes. Kilvington M, Allen W Abstract. Human Dimensions of Global Environmental Change: "Knowledge for the sustainability transition: the challenge for social science",Berlin, Germany December 6–7 2002.  Social learning   38KB pdf
Soil stabilising characteristics of native riparian vegetation in New Zealand: application to stream bank stability. Phillips CJ, Marden M, Rowan D, Ekanayake J Abstract and Paper. 3rd Australian Stream Management Conference, Brisbane, August 2001.  Riparian vegetation enhancement; Stabilising characteristics of native plants; River bank styles   181KB doc
Report 3 – New Zealand land use hydrology: an annotated bibliography. Rowe, L.K.R.   Tall vegetation effects on water yield   480KB pdf
Report 1 – The Hydrology of Pinus radiata plantations: an annotated bibliography. Rowe, L.K.R., Fahey, B.D, Jackson, R.J. Report 1 from the SMF project on the effects of vegetation change on water flows  Tall vegetation effects on water yield   689KB pdf
Report 2 – Hydrology of Douglas Fir Plantations/Forests: an annotated bibliography. Rowe, L.K.R., Fahey, B.D, Jackson, R.J. (2001)   Tall vegetation effects on water yield   388KB pdf
What is driving the food chain in the Motueka River? Young R Cawthron Research News 2002.  Stream health – productivity; Stream health – invertebrates   239KB pdf
Water quality across a complex catchment: interacting influences of geology, land use and longitudinal position. Young R, Quarterman A, Eyles R, Bowden B, Smith R NZ Limnological Society and NZ Hydrological Society Conference, Palmerston North, November 2001.  River monitoring; Stream health – invertebrates   22KB doc

July 2000 - June 2001

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Research for Integrated Catchment Management – Report to Landcare Research on the use of Research to Support Integrated Catchment Management in the Motueka River Catchment Dunne, T; Likens, G. Contribution towards biogeochemical research design for original ICM research programme 2000    162KB pdf
Using native plants to provide stability to streambanks. Marden M, Phillips C Conservation Quorum No.21, p 6. 2000.     
Stabilising–Parameters of Vegetation: A Critical Look Down–Under. Phillips CJ, Ekanayake J, Marden M, Watson A Abstract and Paper. Landscapes 2000, Leura Australia, October, 2000.  Stabilising characteristics of native plants; River bank styles   143KB pdf