Integrated Catchment Management

Integration and modelling




One of the key elements of the ICM programme concerns "integration". While this word means many different things to different people it is really about the way in which research is done as well as how it is used.

Researchable Issues

Research Areas

Sediment learning group Welcome at Te Awhina marae

Sediment learning group

Welcome at Te Awhina marae

Publications (Selection)

Year Title File Size
2011 Integrated Catchment Management – Special Issue of the NZ Journal of Marine & Freshwater Research  
2006 Multi–criteria calibration and validation of SWAT in a large mountainous catchment with high spatial variability. pdf       346KB
2007 Predicting the carrying capacity of bivalve shellfish culture using a steady, linear food web model.  
2003 Application of SWAT in a large mountainous catchment with high spatial variability.  
2001 The Tasman Bay coastal productivity projects. doc       32KB
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Presentations (Selection)

Year Title File Size
2005 Integrated catchment management (ICM). Integrating Research and Management in a Complex Catchment. pdf       2.91MB
2001 Water Balance of the Motueka River Catchment.  
2005 The Integrated Catchment Management Research Programme.  
2010 Integrated catchment management pdf       10.79MB
2005 A new tool for integrating catchment knowledge: the ICM CD–ROM. pdf       1.15MB
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Primary Contacts:

Image - Will Allen Will Allen  EmailSend email to AllenW
Phone: 03 321 9600
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Landcare Research
participation, multi–stakeholder processes, participatory evaluation, networking
Image - Tim Davie Tim Davie  EmailSend email to tim.davie
Phone: 03 372 7084
Fax: +64 (0)3 365 3194
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Environment Canterbury
Hydrology & modelling, surface water resource management
Image - John Dymond John Dymond  EmailSend email to dymondj
Phone: 06 353 4955
Landcare Research
land and water models, GIS, remote sensing
Image - Chris Phillips Chris Phillips  EmailSend email to phillipsc
Phone: +64 3 321 9775
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Landcare Research
Erosion processes, slope stability, effects of forestry, catchment management, knowledge management
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Page last updated Wednesday, 20 June 2007

Research areas

Ecosystem models of Tasman & Golden Bays Fine sediment: bringing the geomorphology and biology together Futures modelling IDEAS Knowledge delivery Knowledge interactions Modelling water quantity and quality River plume ecosystem Sediment generation, delivery and impacts Sediment learning group Stakeholder issues Tall vegetation effects on water yield

Research Highlight

FRST research reviews ICM links – NZ and international IDEAS Marine modelling – how are we doing? Stream health in the Motueka catchment Tracing Sediment from the mountains to the Bay