AGM 2006
7-9 November 2006, Nelson
Final 3-day programme ( 352 KB)
Photos from workshop and field trip (updated 19 December 2006)
Presentations from the Gravel Workshop (added 9 January 2007)
Theme: How is research helping with the BIG resource management questions?
The 2006 ICM Annual Meeting is the annual opportunity for researchers and
project partners to share progress with each other, and understand the big
picture for the Motueka catchment and for transferability of our research.In line with our resource management theme, we focus this year on the big
questions around river gravel management, catchment impacts on Tasman Bay, and
reviewing how ICM research is progressing on the big issues in the Motueka, all
of which exist in other NZ catchments.Please see the general description below and the specific agenda, which is
attached, and mark your calendar accordingly.
Numbers have had to be limited for all these events, so please contact us if
you're keen to be involved.
Tuesday 7 November
RIVER GRAVEL TECHNICAL WORKSHOP (At TDC Richmond. By invitation for ICM researchers, wider TDC, aggregate
industry, iwi and others interested - please contact Rob Smith at TDC or Andrew
Fenemor at Landcare Research if interested)
A technical workshop at TDC to enhance
understanding of river gravel and river channel dynamics.
Wednesday 8 November
LAND-MARINE INTERACTIONS: TASMAN BAY ICM RESEARCH (By invitation to ICM programme participants, marine sector groups, iwi and
others interested, subject to numbers - please contact Paul Gillespie at
Cawthron if interested)
Boat trip to the Motueka River plume,
Cawthron's monitoring buoy and TDC Aquaculture Management Areas including
discussion about the scallop fishery and mussel spat catching.
Thursday 9 November
ICM SCIENCE REVIEW DAY: How are we doing on the BIG ICM research issues? (ICM programme participants and invited stakeholders, at TDC Richmond)Facilitated discussion of research progress and further opportunities around the 4 original 'big picture' issues that started this ICM research:
- Building Human Capital and Opportunities for Community Participation
- Allocation of Scarce Water Resources among Competing Land Uses
- Managing Land Uses in Harmony with Freshwater Resources
- Managing Land and Freshwater Resources to Protect Marine Values
All Project Leaders and available project participants should plan to attend
the Wednesday-Thursday sessions; anyone working in areas affecting or affected
by river gravel issues should also attend the Tuesday workshop.
For further information on this meeting, contact one of the following:
Andrew Fenemor, Programme Leader
Roger Young, Objective 2 Leader
Chris Phillips, Objective 3 Leader
Tim Davie, Objective 4 Leader
Rob Smith, TDC
partner rep