Integrated Catchment Management


(At TDC Richmond. By invitation for ICM researchers, wider TDC, aggregate industry, iwi and others interested - please contact Rob Smith at TDC or Andrew Fenemor at Landcare Research if interested but not listed below)
A technical workshop at TDC linking science with management. Its aim is to enhance understanding of river gravel and river channel dynamics.

Sediment-related research in the ICM research programme includes a review of 40 years of river cross-section records in the Motueka catchment, mapping of sediment sources and determining sediment fluxes down the river, assessing sediment impacts on aquatic life, and a collaborative learning group on sediment issues.

This workshop is an opportunity to link that developing science knowledge more directly with the management issues and those involved in river gravel management. These include TDC staff, scientists involved in the Motueka Integrated Catchment Management research programme, and other key stakeholders such as Fish & Game Council staff, the aggregate industry and catchment community representatives.

It will be an opportunity to learn more of some of the management issues around gravel removal and channel changes, and to see the depth of information and management tools that are available.

The programme for the day (likely to run 9.30 a.m. to 4.30 p.m.) will be announced shortly. It will include discussion of management issues, how the science informs those issues and what other information is needed to manage gravel extraction in a sustainable manner.

Draft invitation list:

TDC staff (10-12) & councillors (6-8): To be decided by TDC

Aggregate industry:
Bruce Taylor - Chairman of the Contractors Federation, Fulton Hogan
Willis Patton - Works Infrastructure
Andrew Murphy - Oldfields

Science staff:
Les Basher - Landcare Research
Murray Hicks - NIWA
Roger Young - Cawthron
Andrew Fenemor - Landcare Research
Tim Davie - Landcare Research
Garth Harmsworth - Landcare Research
Chris Phillips - Landcare Research
Brenda Rosser - Landcare Research
John Dymond - Landcare Research

Lloyd Faulkner - Upper Motueka Rivercare Group, Tapawera
Neil Deans - Fish & Game Council
Mick Park - Iwi

Facilitators for the workshop:
Glen Lauder - Common Ground
Margaret Kilvington - Landcare Research
Will Allen - Landcare Research


ICM Research 79 KB

Regional Council methods 86 KB

Recent advances 371 KB