Comunity Reference Group Terms of Reference
The Community Reference Group (CRG) has a set of working principles.
These are to help the research partners (Landcare Research, the Cawthron Institute, and the Tasman District Council) by:
- acting as a first point of reference to assess the implications of research directions and results from different community (or stakeholder) perspectives, and contributing information to help develop appropriate interactions with other relevant stakeholders.
- helping promote the use of technical information and collaborative approaches to improve management of land and water resources.
Expected Activities
It is envisaged that participation on the CRG would entail:
- Attending up to 3-4 meetings per year. In addition to the members of the CRG, these meetings will be attended by research partners represented by a core group of 4 people comprising one lead representative of the research partners (Landcare Research and Cawthron Institute), the resource management partner (TDC), and an advisor for the social learning aspects of the Motueka/ICM project.
- Providing contacts for stakeholder groups
- Provide comment from a user perspective on results, presentation and direction of the research.
- Being an "ambassador" for the Motueka/ICM project, through informal communications with the wider community.
Up to 6 community members will be appointed. Efforts will be made to ensure that members collectively provide representation of a wide range of community interests.
Particular attention will be paid to ensure that consideration is also given to key interests who are often marginalised from the research and water decision-making process.
Efforts will be made to ensure there is Iwi representation and a gender balance.
It is recognised that rotating community members provides the opportunity for more individuals to gain an in-depth understanding of the research. The CRG and core representatives of the research partners will undertake to look at the best way to address this during the first year of the programme.
The role of the CRG is advisory. Ultimate responsibility for the contractual obligations between the primary research partners and the Foundation for Research, Science & Technology (the Foundation) rests solely with the primary research partners.
The CRG will be encouraged to provide a short annual report which will be included as an appendix to the formal reports required of the primary research partners by the Foundation. This will provide an independent mechanism for direct input by the community to the primary research funder (the Foundation).
Suggested criteria for selecting members of the Community Advisory Group:
- In addition to the requirements for composition of the group set out earlier, members will:
- have a demonstrated interest in fostering collaborative approaches.
- be prepared to consider a wide variety of stakeholder views and interests
- have established links within the community; ‘mana’ - and also be good "ambassadors for the programme"
- be interested in promoting the use of science in decision-making
- be constructively critical , reflective, and interested in new ways of addressing problems.