Our videos
These videos are available on YouTube.
Motueka Mountains to Sea: Integrated Science
Protecting water quality is one catchment issue – different disciplines need to work collaboratively together to achieve that.
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Motueka ICM: Building Iwi, Hapu and Whanau Involvement
Integrated catchment management sits easily with indigenous holistic environmental world views. Building their (Maori) involvement from the beginning is integral to success
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Motueka ICM: Innovative Engagement: Watershed Talk & Travelling River
New and innovative ways can be found to work together for enhanced understanding and decision making at a catchment scale.
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Motueka ICM: Managing Water
Water is the link from mountains to the sea. The amount of water available in a catchment depends on understanding those links
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Motueka ICM: Integration in Action - the Sherry River
Science identified a water quality problem and working together with landowners and locals the problem was solved.
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Motueka ICM: Models for Envisaging the Future
Protecting catchment futures – applying computer modelling for envisaging how we can manage for the future
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Motueka ICM: The Challenge of Integration
The challenge of integrated catchment management (ICM) is understanding connectivity between land, water and the coast and how people are central to managing catchments sustainably.
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