Integrated Catchment Management

Regional Guidelines for Ecological Assessments of Freshwater Environments: Aquatic plant cover in wadeable streams

Year of Publication : 2006 
Region: (e.g. Canterbury or NZ-wide) Waikato
Description: From Website:
This set of guidelines describes the procedures used in Environment Waikato’s Regional Ecological Monitoring of Streams (REMS) programme to monitor cover by aquatic plants (typically periphyton and rooted macrophytes). The periphyton protocol uses an adaptation of Rapid Assessment Method 2 (RAM-2) from the Stream Periphyton Monitoring Manual (Biggs & Kilroy 2000), and a new rapid macrophyte assessment protocol has been developed. Both methods allow indices to be calculated for nutrient enrichment (periphyton), proliferation (periphyton and macrophytes) and naturalness (macrophytes).