Integrated Catchment Management

Margaret Kilvington's photoMargaret Kilvington

Researcher: Collaborative Learning for Environmental Management Group

Email: EmailSend email to KilvingtonM
Address: Landcare Research, PO Box 40, Lincoln 7640, New Zealand
Phone: +64 3 321 9714
Fax: +64 3 321 9998

Academic Qualifications

Professional Affiliations

Role at Landcare Research

Researcher: Collaborative Learning for Environmental Management Group  specialising in:

Current projects

Publications from the last 5 years

Kilvington, M. & Allen, W. (2004). Social aspects of biodiversity in the urban environment. Presented at 2003 Conference of the Royal New Zealand Institute of Horticulture. “Greening the City: Bringing biodiversity back into the urban environment” Proceedings in publication.

Kilvington, M. & Allen, W. (2002) Sustainability science: introducing collaborative learning processes to environmental research programmes. Paper presented at the Berlin Conference on the Human Dimensions of Environmental Climate Change. 6-7 December 2002. Available at:

Kilvington, M.; Allen, W. 2002: Current theory and practice and recommendations for future directions. Part II in Allen, W.; Kilvington, M; Nixon, C.; Yeabsley, J. Sustainable development extension. Technical Paper No: 2002/03 Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry: Wellington. Pp.33-71. Available at

Kilvington, M. & Allen, W. (2001). A Participatory Evaluation Process to Strengthen the Effectiveness of Industry Teams in Achieving Resource Use Efficiency: The Target Zero Programme of Christchurch City Council. Landcare Research Contract Report: LC0001/62

Kilvington, M.; Taylor, R.; Allen, W. 2000: Restoration and the City: looking for a framework for social and ecological restoration. In: Stewart, G.; Ignatieva, M. ed. Urban biodiversity and ecology as a basis for holistic planning and design. Lincoln University International Centre for Nature Conservation Publication Number 1. Christchurch, Wickcliffe Press. Pp. 72-79.

Kilvington, Margaret and Wilkinson Roger, 1999. Community Attitudes to Vegetation in the Urban Environment: a Christchurch Case Study. Landcare Research Science Series No.22. Manaaki Whenua Press

Kilvington, Margaret. Investigation of Community Attitudes and Perceptions regarding natural heritage in the Manukau and Awhitu Ecological Districts. 1999. Landcare Research contract report LC899/07.

Kilvington, M., Allen, W. and Kravchenko, C. (1999) Improving Farmer Motivation Within Tb Vector Control. Landcare Research Contract Report: LC9899/110

Horn, C.; Kilvington, M. & Allen, W. (2003). Improving Business Environmental Performance: Training Needs to Support Environmental Sustainability Practice in Business. Landcare Research Contract Report: LC0203/ 081 1

Horn, C. & Kilvington, M. (2002) Mäori and 1080. [Landcare Research] URL

Allen, W.; Kilvington, M., Horn, C. 2001: Using Participatory and Learning-Based Approaches for Environmental Management to Help Achieve Constructive Behaviour Change. Landcare Research Contract Report LC0102/057, Lincoln, New Zealand, Ministry for Environment contract.

Allen, W.; Bosch, O.; Kilvington, M.; Oliver, J.; Gilbert, M. 2001. Benefits of collaborative learning for environmental management: Applying the Integrated Systems for Knowledge Management approach to support animal pest control. Environmental Management 27(2): 215-223
Allen, W.; Bosch, O.; Kilvington, M.; Harley, D.; Brown I. 2001. Monitoring and adaptive management: addressing social and organisational issues to improve information sharing. Natural Resources Forum 25(3): 225-233

Allen, W.J.; Bosch, O.J.H.; Kilvington, M.J. 2001. ISKM (Integrated Systems for Knowledge Management): A participatory framework to help communities identify and adopt more sustainable resource management practices. In: Getting results through collaboration: networks and network structures for public policy and management. Ed. Myrna Mandell, Quorum Books, Greenwood Publishing Group: Westport USA pp. 255-260.

Allen, W. and Kilvington, M. (2001) Building Effective Teams for Resource Use Efficiency. Landcare Research Contract Report: LC0001/60, Lincoln, New Zealand.

Allen, W.J.; Kilvington, M.J. 1999: Why involving people is important: The forgotten part of environmental information system management. In: Proceedings: 2nd International Conference on Multiple Objective Decision Support Systems for Land, Water and Environmental Management (MODSS '99) Brisbane, Australia, 1-6 August 1999