Les Basher
Scientist - Soils & Landscapes Team 
Address: Landcare Research, Private Bag 6, Nelson Mail Centre, Nelson 7042, New Zealand
Phone: +64 (3)
545 7708
Fax: +64 (3)
545 7701
Academic Qualifications
- B.Sc. (Geology), University of Canterbury, New Zealand, 1973
- Dip.Agr.Sci. (Soil Science), Lincoln University, New Zealand, 1977
- PhD (Soil Science), Lincoln University, New Zealand, 1986
Professional Affiliations
- New Zealand Society of Soil Science
- New Zealand Geological Society.
- New Zealand Hydrological Society.
- New Zealand Association of Resource Management
Role at Landcare Research
- Research and consultancy in soil science, geomorphology and erosion processes
- Soil scientist in FRST programmes 'Integrated Land and Water Resource Management in Complex Catchments', 'Reducing uncertainty in the effect of soil erosion on carbon budgets', 'Changing Landscapes and Restoration of Biodiversity', and 'Tracking Landscape Change'
- Leader of a project in 'Integrated Land and Water Resource Management in Complex Catchments' programme investigating sediment dynamics in the Motueka catchment
Current Projects
- Sediment dynamics in the Motueka catchment, investigating sediment fluxes, sources of sediment and its impacts on trout populations, river bed dynamics.
- Knowledge base development for Motueka Integrated Catchment Management project.
- Role of soils and gemorphology in groundwater recharge processes in the Motueka catchment.
- Surface erosion contribution to carbon fluxes associated with erosion processes.
- Plant-environment relationships in wetlands.
Selected Publications
Basher, L.R., Ross, C.W., Dando, J. (submitted): Impacts of carrot growing on volcanic ash soils in the Ohakune area, New Zealand. Australian Journal of Soil Research
Sriboonlue, S., Basher, L.R. 2003: Trends in bed level and gravel storage in the Motueka River 1957-2001: results from analysis of river cross section data from the upper and lower Motueka River. Report to Integrated Catchment Management programme and Tasman District Council.
Sidorchuk, A., Preston, N., Basher, L.R., Baisden, T., Trustrum, N., Tate, K. 2002: Process-based models for simulation and prediction of erosion-related organic carbon losses on the national scale: an example for New Zealand. Pp. 232-238 in Volume IV, Proceedings 12th International Soil Conservation Conference, May 26-31 2002 Beijing, China.
Basher, L.R., Ross, C.W. 2002: Soil erosion rates under intensive vegetable production on clay loam, strongly structured soils at Pukekohe, New Zealand. Australian Journal of Soil Research 40: 947-961.
Basher, L.R., Ross, C.W. 2002: Soil erosion under arable cropping in New Zealand. Pp. 105-110 in Stephens, P., Callaghan, J., Austin, A. (compilers), Proceedings: Soil Quality and Sustainable Land Management Conference, Landcare Research, Palmerston North.
Basher, L.R., Ross, C.W. 2001: Role of wheel tracks in runoff and sediment generation under vegetable production at Pukekohe, New Zealand. Soil and Tillage Research 62:117-130.
Cogle, A.L., Lane, L.J., Basher, L.R. 2001: Testing the Hillslope Erosion Model for application in India, New Zealand and Australia. Pp. 173-178 in Proceedings of the International Congress on Modelling and Simulation, Canberra, Australia, 10-13 December 2001.
Basher, L.R., Ross, C.W. Role of wheel tracks in runoff and sediment generation under vegetable production at Pukekohe, New Zealand. Submitted to Soil and Tillage Research
Tonkin, P.J., Basher, L.R. 2001: Soil chronosequences in subalpine superhumid Cropp basin, western Southern Alps, New Zealand. New Zealand Journal of Geology and Geophysics 44: 37-45.
Shepherd, T.G.; Ross, C.W.; Basher, L.R.; Saggar, S. 2000: Soil management guidelines for sustainable cropping. Manaaki Whenua Press for Landcare Research, Lincoln.
Basher, L.R. 2000: Surface erosion assessment using 137Cs: examples from New Zealand. Acta Geologica Hispanica 35: 219-228.
Basher, L.R. 2000: Soils and geomorphology of the urban environment: why are they different, and how do they provide a foundation for planning and development. Pp. 14-21 in Urban biodiversity and ecology as a basis for holistic planning and design, Proceedings of a Workshop held at Lincoln University 28-29 October 2000, Eds. Glenn H. Stewart and Maria E. Ignatieva, Lincoln University International Centre for Nature Conservation Publication Number 1
Basher, L.R. 1998: Erosion control - it works OK. Commercial Grower 53(9): 33
Basher, L.R. 1998: Surface erosion assessment in New Zealand using caesium-137. Proceedings of SPERA98, "Environmental Radioactivity and Its Application in Environmental Studies", 5th Biennial Conference of the South Pacific Environmental Radioactivity Association, Christchurch, 16-19 February 1998.
Ogden, J., Basher, L.R., McGlone, M.S. 1998: Forest fire history in New Zealand. Annals of Botany 81: 687-696
Rose, A.B., Basher, L.R., Wiser, S.K., Platt, K.H., Lynn, I.H. 1998: Factors predisposing short-tussock grasslands to Hieracium invasion in Marlborough, New Zealand. New Zealand Journal of Ecology 22: 121-140
Basher, L.R., Hicks, D.M., Ross, C.W. and Handyside, B. (1997): Erosion and sediment transport from the market gardening lands at Pukekohe, Auckland, New Zealand. Journal of Hydrology (NZ) 36: 73-95
Basher, L.R. 1997: Is pedology dead and buried? Australian Journal of Soil Research 35: 979-994
Basher, L.R. and Painter, D.J 1997: Wind erosion in New Zealand. In Proceedings of the International Symposium on Wind Erosion, Manhattan, Kansas, 3-5 June 1997, USDA-ARS, Manhattan, Kansas.
Basher, L.R., Cathcart, S.N., Crush, J.R., Hart, B., Clark, S., Ross, C.W., Williams, P.H. 1997: Soil and water management for sustainable vegetable production in a peri-urban area, Pukekohe, New Zealand. Wai Whenua, Proceedings of the 24th Hydrology and Water Resources Symposium, New Zealand Hydrological Society and National Committee on Water Engineering of the Institution of Engineers, Australia: 321-326
Basher, L.R. and Webb, T.H. 1997: Wind erosion rates on terraces in the Mackenzie Basin. Journal of the Royal Society of New Zealand 27: 499-512
Basher, L.R. and Lynn, I.H. (1996): Soil changes associated with cessation of sheep grazing at two sites in the Canterbury high country. New Zealand Journal of Ecology 20: 179-189
Basher, L.R., Lynn, I.H., Whitehouse, I.E. 1995: Geomorphology of the Wairau floodplain and implications for floodplain management planning. Landcare Research Science Series No. 11, Manaaki Whenua Press, Lincoln, 42 pp.
Basher, L.R., Matthews, K.M., Zhi, L. 1995: Surface erosion assessment in the South Canterbury downlands, New Zealand using 137Cs distribution. Australian Journal of Soil Research 33: 787-803
Basher, L.R., Trangmar, B.B., Rijkse, W.C. 1995: Handbook for Land Resource Survey Methods in Papua New Guinea. PNGRIS Report No 1
McGlone, M.S. and Basher, L.R. 1995: The deforestation of the upper Awatere catchment, Inland Kaikoura range, Marlborough, South Island, New Zealand. New Zealand Journal of Ecology 19: 53-66
Selected Consultancy Reports
Basher, L.R. 2000: Styx River catchment data review: geology, soils, vegetation, and land use. Contract report for the Christchurch City Council, Landcare Research Contract Report: LC9900/121.
Ross, C.W., Basher, L.R., Baker, C.J. 2000: Management of erosion risk on arable soils: a review. Contract report for the Environment Canterbury, Landcare Research Contract Report: LC9900/090.
Basher, L.R. 1999: Erosion at Pukekohe during the storm of 21 January 1999. Contract report for the Franklin Sustainability Project, Landcare Research Contract Report: LC9899/96.
Basher, L.R. 1999: The effect of wheel track compaction on water movement and rates of erosion at Pukekohe. Contract report for the Franklin Sustainability Project, Landcare Research Contract Report: LC9899/63.
Lynn, I.H., Basher, L.R., Webb, T.H. 1998: A geomorphic interpretation of the Fairlie area withe respect to future floodflows from the Opihi River and western hill catchments. Contract report for the Canterbury Regional Council, Landcare Research Contract Report: LC9798/95.
Meurk, C.D., Trangmar, B.B., Basher, L.R.. 1998: Opportunities for stabilisation and enhancement of Port Hills watercourses. Landcare Research Contract Report: LC9798/74.
Basher, L.R. 1997: A review of erosion studies in Canterbury. Contract report for the Canterbury Regional Council, Landcare Research Contract Report: LC9697/98.
Lynn, I.H., Harrison, J.M., Basher, L.R., Webb, T.H. 1997: A geomorphic interpretation of the Opihi-Waihi-Temuka and Orari River floodplains. Contract report for the Canterbury Regional Council, Landcare Research Contract Report: LC9798/25.
Basher, L.R. 1996: Wind erosion rates on high terraces in the Mackenzie Basin estimated using caesium-137. Contract report for the Canterbury Regional Council, Landcare Research Contract Report: LC9596/151.
Sparling, G., Schipper, L., McLeod, M., Basher, L., Rijkse, W. 1996: Trialing soil quality indicators for the State of the Environment monitoring. Landcare Research Contract Report: LC9596/149. Landcare Research, Lincoln.
Allen, R.B., Basher, L.R. and Comrie, J. 1995: The use of fire for conservation management in New Zealand. Contract report for the Department of Conservation, Landcare Research Contract Report: LC9596/47.
Basher, L.R. 1995: Handbook For Soil Description, Classification and Mapping For Use In Land Resource Survey Of Noel Mina Watershed. Report for Nusa Tenggara Timur Watershed Management Planning Project, Kupang.
Basher, L.R. 1995: Project report. Report for Nusa Tenggara Timur Watershed Management Planning Project, Kupang.
Basher, L.R. and Webb, T.H. 1995: Estimating surface erosion on terraces in the Mackenzie Basin using caesium-137. Contract report for the Canterbury Regional Council, Landcare Research Contract Report: LC9495/137