Andrew Fenemor
Programme Leader of Motueka ICM Research Programme
Address:Landcare Research, Private Bag 6, Nelson Mail Centre, Nelson 7042, New Zealand
Phone: +64 (3)
545 7710
Fax: +64 (3) 545 7701
Academic Qualifications
- Dip. Bus. St (Management) Massey University, Palmerston North, 1992
- M.S. (Agr.Eng), Ohio State University, Columbus, Ohio, USA, 1978
- B.E.(Hons)(Agr. Eng) University of Canterbury, Christchurch, NZ, 1976
Professional positions held
2002–present Programme Leader- Integrated Catchment Management, Landcare Research
1999–2002 Manager Environmental Information, Tasman District Council
1992–1999 District Resource Analyst, Tasman District Council
1989–1992 Manager Resources, Nelson-Marlborough Regional Council
1985–1989 Senior Water Conservator, Nelson Catchment Board
1980–1984 Groundwater Scientist, MWD/DSIR Hydrology Centre, Christchurch
1978–1979 Agricultural Research Engineer, US Dept of Ag. Soil Drainage Research
1977–1978 Research Associate, Ohio Agricultural Research and Development Centre
1976–1977 Water Resources Officer, Nelson Catchment Board
Role with ICM
- Programme Leader, Objective leader and Scientist
Current research & specialities
Catchment-scale sustainability: hydrology, water (including groundwater) allocation and management
Integrated Catchment Management (ICM) as a process
Application of science and community knowledge in effective natural resource management.
Experience relevant to Integrated Water Resources Management (& ICM)
Integrated Catchment Management (ICM) research programme: 2002-present
Managing the FRST-funded Integrated Catchment Management (ICM) research programme based in the Motueka catchment, a world demonstration basin in the UNESCO HELP programme which seeks to link hydrology and catchment science better with people’s needs and with policy.
My research areas are ICM as a process, community engagement for catchment management, water management and allocation including alternative resource allocation mechanisms.
Sustainable Livelihoods in Paramo Areas of Cotopaxi Province, Ecuador: January 2008-
Providing ICM/IWRM expertise for this NZAid-funded LADAF project proposed for improved management of tussock lands in 2 pilot watersheds of Cotopaxi Province, Ecuador.
Commissioner, Central Plains Irrigation Scheme proposal, Canterbury: 2008
Appointed by Environment Canterbury as one of four independent commissioners hearing consent applications for a 60000 ha irrigation scheme proposed for Canterbury.
Nadi Basin IWRM, Fiji: May 2007-March 2008
UNESCO-funded consultancy in Fiji to develop an Integrated Water Resource Management (IWRM) project for the Nadi catchment with MAF’s Land and Water Resource Management division in Suva, in conjunction with SOPAC and the newly GEF-funded Pacific IWRM project.
Motupiko Water Augmentation project: 2005-07
Project managed and reported for a 2-year consultancy for a committee of farmers, environmental interests and Tasman District Council to identify irrigable areas, irrigation water demand, and suitable damsites for a run-of-river water storage scheme
Improving NZ’s water allocation system: 2006-07
With the Ecologic Foundation, researched and proposed improvements to NZ water allocation and governance including better specification of water entitlements, increased devolution of management responsibility to Water User Groups, and design elements for allowing trading of water allocations. This led to a consultancy for the Ministry for the Environment on separating the ‘taking’ and ‘using’ components of water permits for taking water under NZ’s Resource Management Act.
Australia’s Cooperative Research Centre for Irrigation Futures: 2006
International member of the 4-member review panel for this CRC’s irrigation research across Australia.
Peer Review Panel for remediation of the Mapua FCC pesticide contaminated site: 2004-07
Chaired this technical review panel reviewing progress and compliance for the $8m remediation of NZ’s worst contaminated site, having been TDC project manager for Stages 1 and 2 of the remediation. The panel met 3-monthly, and the project was successfully completed late 2007.
Water policy development: 1990-2007
Technical leadership for drafting and consultation leading to adoption and implementation of Tasman District Council’s Waimea Catchment Water Management Plan 1991, Motueka-Riwaka Plains Water Management Plan 1992 and Moutere Water Management Plan 1992, plus some input into more recent updates of this policy in the Tasman Resource Management Plan.
Environmental impact assessment: 1985-2002
Over 25 years experience in water right/permit assessments and compliance processes including catchment-based water allocation reviews, irrigation permits, sewage and biosolids discharges, wetland drainage, fisheries and industrial discharges, and hydro-electric schemes.
Groundwater Modelling for Water Resource Management: 1980-85
Developed a 3-dimensional groundwater flow model for the Waimea Plains river-aquifer water resources and subsequently applied simulation results in setting water allocation limits in the 1986 and 1991 Waimea Catchment Water Management Plans mentioned above.
Selected Publications
Fenemor, A.D; Deans, N.A.; Davie, T.J.; Allen, W.; Dymond, J.; Kilvington, M.; Phillips, C.; Basher, L.; Gillespie, P.; Young, R.; Sinner, J.; Harmsworth, G.; Atkinson, M.; Smith, R. 2008. Submitted. Collaboration and Modelling – Tools for Integration in the Motueka HELP Catchment. Water South Africa 2008.
Fenemor, A.D. 2007. Options to Improve Water Management in Motueka. Ecologic magazine Spring 2007: 14.
Fenemor, A.D.; Pickens, A.; Davie, T.J.A.; Dawson, M.; Basher, L.; Barringer, J. 2007: Water Augmentation Options for Irrigation in the Motupiko catchment. Landcare Research consultancy report LC0607/157 for the Motupiko Water Augmentation Committee, 69pp.
Sinner, J; Fenemor, A.D. 2007: Opportunities for separating the take and use of water in planning frameworks and resource consents. Consultancy report for the Sustainable Water Programme of Action, Ministry for the Environment, Wellington. 37pp.
Cole A.O., Allen, W., Kilvington, M., Fenemor, A. and Bowden, B. 2007. Participatory modelling with an influence matrix and the calculation of whole-of-system sustainability values. International Journal of Sustainable Development 10(4): 382-401.
Sinner, J; Fenemor, A; Baines, J. 2006: A Case Study of Water Management in the Motueka Catchment: Responses to Water Allocation Reform Proposals. Joint Ecologic Foundation/Landcare Research report, available at 25pp.
Fenemor, A.D. 2006. Review of Water Resources Modelling for Water Allocation in the Waimea Basin. Landcare Research contract report LC0607/062 for the Tasman District Council. 13pp.
Bowmer, K., Fenemor, A.D., Malcolm, D., Green, D.H. 2006. Cooperative Research Centre for Irrigation Futures – Third Year Review of Performance and Progress. Report of the independent panel to the Board, Australia. 43pp.
Fenemor, A.D. 2006. A Review of Water Allocation Options for the Waimea Water Augmentation project. Landcare Research contract report LC0607/032 for the Waimea Water Augmentation Committee. 34pp.
Fenemor, A.D. 2006. Modelling Water Rationing for the Waimea Plains. Landcare Research contract report LC0607/031 for the Waimea Water Augmentation Committee. 24pp.
Fenemor, A.D.; Davie, T.; Markham, S: 2006. Hydrological information in Water Law and Policy: New Zealand’s devolved approach to water management. Chapter 12 in Hydrology and Water Law – Bridging the Gap (eds. J Wallace and P. Wouters). IWA Publishing, London.
Fenemor, A.D. and Sinner, J 2005: Institutional Inertia? Case Studies of Transferable Water Permits in New Zealand. Ecologic Research Report No 6. Ecologic Foundation Inc. Available at
Fenemor, A.D. 2005: Advice for Department of Conservation (Bay Of Plenty) on EBOP Rule 11 Inclusion of Error Rates. Landcare Research Contract Report LC0405/078.
Fenemor, A.D., Atkinson, M., Peacock, K. (eds) 2004: Travelling River – a collaboration of artists, scientists and the people of the Motueka River catchment. Catalogue for the Travelling River exhibition. Mountains-to-the-Sea project, Landcare Research.
Fenemor, A.D. 2004: Water Allocation Limits and Management Recommendations for the Upper Motueka Catchments. Landcare Research consultancy report for Tasman District Council on the Water Chapter of the Tasman Resource Management Plan, Feb-March 2004.
Bowden, W.B., Fenemor, A.D.; Deans, N: Integrated Water and Catchment Research for the Public Good: The Motueka River–Tasman Bay Initiative, New Zealand. Water Resources Development 20(3): 311–323, September 2004.
Sinner J, Baines J, Crengle H, Salmon G, Fenemor A, Tipa G: Sustainable Development: A summary of key concepts. July 2004. Ecologic Foundation.
Richmond, C., Froude, V., Fenemor, A.D., Zuur, B. 2004: Management and conservation of natural waters. In. J.Harding, M.Mosley, C.Pearson and B.Sorrell (eds) Freshwaters of New Zealand. NZ Hydrological Society and NZ Limnological Society.
Fenemor, A.D., Preston, N., Page, M, Trustrum, N., Basher, L., Phillips, C., Marden, M., Lawton, M. 2003. The role of agriculture and forestry in mitigating landslides and floods in New Zealand. Proc. Japan/OECD Expert Meeting on Land Conservation Indicators, Kyoto, 13-15 May 2003.
Fenemor, A.D., Leong, D., White, P., Hong, T., Baigent, E. 2003. Resolving Water Resource Over-Allocation – the Wai-iti Catchment Community Water Augmentation Initiative. Proc. Asia Pacific Association of Hydrology and Water Resources (APHW2003) First International Conference on Hydrology and Water Resources in the Asia Pacific Region, Kyoto, 13-15 March 2003.
Fenemor, A.D.: Motueka Integrated Catchment Management. Paper presented to the MAF/MfE conference “Water – Lifeblood of NZ”, Wellington, July 2002.
Fenemor, A.D. and C. Robb 2001: Groundwater Management in New Zealand. In: P White and M Rosen (eds.). Groundwaters of New Zealand. New Zealand Hydrological Society. Caxton Press.
Fenemor, A.D., J.T.Thomas, C Robb, P.A. White 1999: Using Regional Groundwater Models for Water Allocation during Drought. Keynote paper for UNESCO-IHP Floods and Droughts symposium, Nanjing, China, November 1999.
Fenemor, A.D. 1997: Floods and Droughts - Case Studies. In: M.P.Mosley and C.P.Pearson (eds.). Floods and Droughts: the New Zealand Experience. New Zealand Hydrological Society. Caxton Press.
Fenemor, A.D. and M.Kearney 1997: Issues, Options and Practicality of Transferable Water Permits in the Waimea Catchment. Tasman District Council discussion paper prepared with financial assistance from the Sustainable Management Fund, March 1997
Fenemor, A.D. 1992: Water Resource Management in New Zealand. Chapter 19 in M.P.Mosley (ed) Waters of New Zealand. New Zealand Hydrological Society 30th anniversary publication. Caxton Press.
Dicker, M.J.I., Fenemor, A.D., Johnston, M.R. 1992: Geology and Groundwater Resources of the Waimea Plains, Nelson. Geological Bulletin 106, DSIR Geology and Geophysics, 1992. With M R Johnston and MJI Dicker, 59 pp.
Fenemor, A.D. 1988: A Three-dimensional Model for Management of the Waimea Plains Aquifers, Nelson. Publication No. 18 of DSIR Hydrology Centre, 133 pp.
Relevant honours/distinctions/membership of societies, institutions, committees:
Memberships: New Zealand Hydrological Society, New Zealand Association of Resource Management.
Honours: NZ Hydrological Society Outstanding Achievement Award (2006), NZ Local Government Study Award to research contaminated sites and tradeable water rights in North America (1993), Taiganides Award for best MSc in Agricultural Engineering, Ohio State University (1978)
Institutions and Committees: President NZ Hydrological Society 1996-2000; Wai-iti Water Augmentation Committee 2002-2006; Chairman Olive Growers Nelson 1996-2003; Chair TDC Mapua Site Remediation Peer Review Panel 2004-2007